Tuesday, November 04, 2008

who is hot and who is not

Did you know that for $25 billion dollars we could prevent 25,000 children from dying every single day. get out a calculator and just do the math for one year. we are talking 25 billion  dollars one time for all of those days!!!!! think about that, think about the kids that can be saved! 

did you know that last year alone the pornography industry brought in $95 Billion us dollars!!!!!!!!!   You connect the dots.

for a couple moments of self gratification we are allowing generations of people to die! sobering isn't it 

let me ask you this, now that you know this 

who is hotter?  
Who are you going to give your time and money to?
1 peter 4:10  

oh yea 2 more things 
As some wise man once said; love God and Love others