Friday, December 19, 2008


So I was in a store recently over hearing people talk about Christmas and this is what i heard "it makes me sick how Church people are trying to claim this holiday as a celebration of Jesus death" "can't they just leave a good american holiday lone....gosh"
I tried very hard to not butt in but my conscience would not allow me to be silent anymore. I politely asked the girls if i might share with them a comment on what they had been talking about. So i then went into my charlie brown routine of what christmas was really about and what it was originally. The girls said "oh..... thanks but that is not what we heard. well... whatever!"
and the politely went on their way, so i did as well. saddened and ready to be sick i grabbed the item i needed and began to head to the check out when all of the sudden one of those girls ran up to me and said " Hey thanks for telling us that... i feel like i have know idea what Holidays mean because no one tells us, so thanks". now i don't know if it sunk in with the girls but my prayers is this Christmas that we would all stop and share with people what it is really about. Just incase for all of those who have not heard what it is about here you go! Merry Christmas