Thursday, October 09, 2008

Grace To Grove

Well, this week marks a huge transition in the lives of me and my family. Baby Bekah is going to be here any day now and the three of us are now getting really pumped for her to come into the world. over the last few weeks God has stuck by me through an emotional roller coaster. Job changes, Rumors, moving, Africa, Babies, and Deaths, through it all God always has a way of saying "I got you jame". I feel like the ride is just about over...the crazy roller coaster of the past few weeks that is... once Bekah gets here we can settle down and get back to life. this time however I am going to have a beautiful lil girl. I can't wait. Through all of this God constantly reminds me of His greatness, this time in the form of a baby named bekah, sure life can get crazy sometimes but He has a plan for each one of us, and for me, I know what that is now and man it's gonna be a cool ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God is good. Always follow what He is calling you to, because his plans are to prosper us (jer 29:11), even when they don't seem like it, they are. we can't see the big picture of life, but the artist always has the finished product in mind. God is a master artist and he has got us and we have to trust in that!


Amy Tedrow said...

Jamie - We can't wait to meet baby Bekah. We hope you are all feeling better soon.

Love Ya Guys,
Amy and Don